Stairs are the steps arranged in a series to access the various floors
of a building. A well-established staircase should have an easy, quick and safe
mode of communication between the different floors of that building. The
following points should be kept in view to design and build a good stair.
A door is a moving structure used to block off, and allow
access to, an entrance to or within an enclosed space, such as a building or
vehicle. Doors normally consist of a panel that swings on hinges on the edge,
but there are also doors that slide or spin inside of a space. Similar exterior
structures to doors are called gates.
The staircase should be located at the right place in a building with
adequate light and ventilation. In a residential house, the stairs may be
provided near the main entrance. In case of a public building, it should be
located at the central position for a quick accessibility. The width of stairs
depends on the traffic flow and may vary from building to building. In public
building, the width of stairs should be at least 6 feet and in a residential
building, it should be 3 feet. The flight should provide a maximum of 12 and a
minimum number of 3 steps. The maximum pitch for a domestic building should
not exceed 42° and for a public building, it should not exceed 33°. The minimum head
room in a staircase should not be less than 6 feet 8 inches. The width of
landing should be always greater than the width of a stair.
The location
of doors can affect the aesthetics and can change the entire looks (internal or
external) of a house or building. So it is also necessary to select the right
position of doors during the planning stage. The following points should be
considered while deciding the location of doors in a building. The doors should
be provided on the opposite walls, facing each other to ensure adequate air
circulation in a room. Considering the point of proper utilization of space and
privacy, the door should be located near the corner of a room. Excellent utilization of
space can be achieved by lowering the number of doors in a room, because a
large number of doors occupy more area, creates an obstruction in circulation.
The door
should be so located that no dark corner is left in the room and light and
ventilation are evenly distributed. The location of doors must fulfill all the
functional requirements of the room